Product design

Our team of designers and engineers intuitively and analytically generates concepts for the product to be designed. Using visualisation and prototyping techniques, we test, refine and communicate new concepts in an iterative process.

product design

User-friendly design

The market and the user are central to us from the very start. From both perspectives, we investigate where the added value lies – because a nice idea doesn’t necessarily mean good product design. We involve all stakeholders in shaping a concept to achieve the best possible result.

User interface

With a clear and easy-to-understand interface between the product and the user, life becomes much more pleasant. Whether it involves classic operation with buttons, an app or a screen with a keyboard, our team optimises the interaction.

product design
product design

Multidisciplinary teams

From the start of a design project, designers, engineers and model and prototype builders work together to find the best functional and technical solution for the product. By exchanging knowledge and experience, they coordinate solutions to create optimally functioning products that are easy for the user to handle.

product design

Prototyping and experimenting

Prototyping is an important part of all phases of product development. It gives us insight into the conceptual, aesthetic and technical-functional aspects of the design.

We therefore have a very well-equipped workshop where we make functional models to test working principles, but also visual models and even prototypes that are indistinguishable from the final product in terms of appearance. We also work with experience prototyping, for example through role play, paper prototyping and interior mock-ups.

Our approach results in successful products and services which are often awarded international design prizes. That’s why a large number of clients work with us on a long-term basis. For us, that is the ultimate sign of appreciation.

More information

More information about product design?
Curious about what npk design can do for you?
Please do not hesitate to contact Herman van der Vegt.
Herman van der Vegt

Examples of successful product design

ASML by npk design


35+ years cooperation between ASML and npk design