H2ARVESTER is a unique solution for generating clean energy through the use of abundant agricultural land and conversion into hydrogen.

H2ARVESTER is a matrix of solar panels that move autonomously on the farmland of arable farmers and dairy farming, and over ditches. Because the solar panels are mobile, H2ARVESTER can be seen as an ‘extra crop’ in the rotation cultivation of arable farmers. For dairy farmers, where H2ARVESTERs cross the land between cattle or across ditches, this is literally double use of agricultural land and extra income is generated.

H2ARVESTER:Autonomously moving solar panels for multiple use of agricultural land with energy storage in hydrogen. This design by Marcel Vroom (npk design), Rob Jacobs (L’Orèl Consultancy) and Auke Jan Veenstra (LTO Noord) is the prize winner of the RVO (Netherlands Enterprise Agency) competition ‘Solar power in agricultural areas’.
For more informatione see: h2arvester.nl